Irrigators in or near the Macalister Irrigation Area (MIA), can now apply to secure funding for farm plans or irrigation system upgrades.
Agriculture Victoria Irrigation extension officer, Alexis Killoran, said irrigators should now apply to the Central Gippsland Irrigation Efficiency Incentives Program.
“We want to support as many irrigators as possible to upgrade their systems,” she said.

“Improving irrigation systems allows farmers to use their water entitlement better, save money and water, and increase farm productivity.”
Miss Killoran said up to $10,000 per project is available for farm plans, with businesses able to apply for two seperate farm projects.
“Irrigators wanting to upgrade their systems (flood to spray, reuse systems or best practice surface irrigation) can apply for up to $20,000 for on project per business,” she said.
“Applications for irrigation upgrade projects close on Wednesday 31 August, and must be supported by a current and approved farm plan. Applications for farm plan projects close once all funds are allocated, or on 31 August, whichever occurs first.”

“If you’ve had farm planning or irrigation upgrades on your to-do list, we suggest getting your application in as soon as possible.”
The Central Gippsland Irrigation Efficiency Incentives Program is run by the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority and Agriculture Victoria, and funded by the State Government’s Sustainable Irrigation Program.