Page 3 of 182 results.
Expression of Interest – Community Engagement Network Members
Do you live in and love West Gippsland’s catchments? Would you like to get involved in their management and care? Then this opp... -
Durt’Yowan (Latrobe River)
The Latrobe system is undergoing a significant transition… Due to the start of the staged coal mine closures in the Latrobe Va... -
Fresh faces for CEN
Fresh faces for Community Engagement Network Community representatives from across West Gippsland recently met to kick off the next t... -
Inspired by Landcare and its people
It is National Landcare Week Monday 7 – Sunday 13 August and we inspired by the incredible impact this movement has across West... -
Have your say on irrigation in West Gippy
This is a call out for members of West Gippsland’s irrigation community to add their voices to the conversation and join the La... -
Last willow gone from the Agnes
Last willow gone from the Agnes River West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is proud to have removed the last rem... -
Episode 69: Putting the fish back into Fish Creek
A look at how one Landcare group has evolved, changed and prospered over 20+ years. About the podcast Gippslandscapes is an occasiona... -
Episode 70: Who doesn’t love a pelican?
The Great Pelican Count with Deb Sullivan A look at the work to protect this amazing bird. About the podcast Gippslandscapes is an oc... -
Episode 71: Flood recovery and sensitive environmental land management
A look at one commercial farming business and its response to flood and its larger approach to land management. About the podcast Gip... -
Traditional Owners, land and water
In this pod from 2021, Gerard speaks with the Manager of the Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) with the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters A...