Partners working together
Fourteen environmental agencies are members of the Gippsland Environmental Agencies and consist of the following.
- Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action – Gippsland (DEECA) including Agriculture Victoria (Ag Vic)
- East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (EGCMA)
- East Gippsland Water (EGW)
- Environment Protection Authority – Gippsland (EPA)
- Gippsland Regional Water Corporation (GW)
- Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC)
- Gunaikurnai Traditional Owners Land Management Board (GKTLOMB)
- Mine Land Rehabilitation Authority
- Parks Victoria – Eastern (PV)
- South Gippsland Regional Water Corporation (SGW)
- Southern Rural Regional Water Corporation (SRW)
- Trust for Nature – Gippsland (TFN)
- West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (WGCMA)