Farmers adapting to a changing climate

Farmers adapting to a changing climate – Preparing for the next drought

The very real effects of climate change are a challenge for everyone. Merriman Creek Landcare Group is partnering with West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority and Food and Fibre Gippsland to face this challenge head on with a series of workshops to support farmers to prepare for and manage dry conditions. 

“Two workshops have been funded through the Victorian Landcare Grants and West Gippsland CMA and Food and Fibre Gippsland,” said Sam Shannon West Gippsland Drought Hub Adoption Officer, who is providing in-kind support and funding to support the project. 

David Hardwick delivered the first workshop to build a deeper understanding of soil health and how soil management can increase drought resilience.   

“Improving the condition of soil can significantly improve drought resilience for any farming business, but especially those in areas with more fragile, shallow topsoils that are prone to wind erosion. This is why we were particularly keen to support soil health workshops in that Giffard/Stradbroke area,” said Sam.

Increasing soil organic matter will increase the water holding capacity of soil, enabling pasture to persist for longer and recover faster. Soil organic matter can also improve water infiltration rate, which can help to utilise those small rainfall events that may occur during a drought, helping with pasture persistence during dry times. 

Building soil organic matter can be achieved in a number of ways, such as adding soil organic amendments, sowing multi-species pastures, incorporating plant material into the soil after harvesting crops or when renovating pastures, and through grazing management that allows residual plant material to decay back into the soil.  

In the second workshop, Fiona Baker from Agriculture Victoria provided an engaging session designed to help farmers to develop a plan to manage dry conditions. 

The plan focuses on setting ‘triggers’ as drought develops to activate measures to mitigate impacts, such as de-stocking livestock, retaining ground cover by using containment paddocks to reduce erosion and nutrient loss to waterways, and setting water and feed budgets for maintaining livestock. 

“This preparedness and planning of such actions will also help to alleviate the mental health stresses faced by farmers and recently observed during the last drought. The development and use of such a plan will protect the landscape and guide farmers with their business decisions and would also be effective in a fire recovery situation,” said Sam. 

The workshops respond to a very real need in the Giffard/Stradbroke area.  “Our district suffered a horrendous three-year drought from 2017-2019,” said Melissa Ainsworth, Secretary of Merriman Creek Landcare Group.  

“In response to seeing the effects that drought had on our landscape, farming families and their farm businesses, we applied for a Victorian Landcare Grant to facilitate these workshops to prepare for the next drought,” said Melissa whose family has been members of the group since 2008. 

“These workshops are important to keep communities informed, resilient and supported with the key messages of the importance of soil health and need to change our farm management methods, according to the weather,” said Melissa. 

“We learned about soil being a community of living organisms and the symbiotic relationship soil microbes have with plants.  Soil is the foundation that determines food quality, land and water resources, not to mention social and environmental welfare.  In an El Nino situation, we now have a Drought Management Plan to help conserve our precious soils to better sustain droughts and to minimise their impact.”  

“Over the past 20 years the Giffard Plain area has endured three significant droughts the most recent, and by far the worst, in terms of severity and duration. With drought not being uncommon in Australia, and particularly in our local area, farmers need all the tools in their toolboxes to adapt to the changing climate,” Melissa concluded. 

A third workshop is planned for late 2024.  

These workshops are funded through the Victorian Landcare Grants that are administered through West Gippsland CMA and support Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s long-term plan to protect Victoria’s environment. 

Fiona Baker delivering the workshop to plan for dry conditions.
David Hardwick’s workshop to build a deeper understanding of soil health.
Justin and Melissa Ainsworth.
Merriman Creek Landcare members, Melissa Ainsworth, Cameron Ainsworth and Greg Avery.

Keeping waterways open to enjoy

Keeping waterways open was the focus of an innovative project aimed at attacking an emerging weed that was threatening parts of Flooding Creek, Lavers Creek and lower Carran Carran (Thomson River).

Rowing, kayaking and boating are synonymous with the Port and waterways around the town of Sale at the western end of the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar wetland.

When Yellow Waterlily emerged in waterways around the town, it created a challenge for West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) to tackle. The weed was posing a threat to the local environment as well as to access of the waterway by the community.

Yellow (Mexican) waterlily is a highly invasive weed found in slow moving waterways. The large underwater root mass lives in the waterways year round and in spring and summer, the above-water lily pads grow and spread. The pads block sunlight and reduce oxygen in the waterway and this impenetrable layer blocks access for any purpose – including recreation.

As the lily pads die off in autumn and winter, they release large amounts of nutrients into the waterway, reducing water quality and affecting animals and plants in the ecosystem.

“In 2019, we noticed large amounts of Yellow Waterlily growing in waterways in and around Sale,” said Elsa Burnell, Project Coordinator for West Gippsland CMA.

“This was the first time we had seen large amounts of Yellow Waterlily in water bodies connected to the main river system in Gippsland. It was particularly concerning because of the proximity to large high value recreational wetlands such as Sale Common and Heart Morass, which are areas in which the waterlily would thrive.”

“This weed has very few environmental values and presents significant challenges to the community use of these waterways.”

“The weed was also threatening to block parts of Sale Canal which is a popular rowing and boating area,” said Matt Bowler, Team Leader of Project Delivery for the CMA.

“Working with local authorities, West Gippsland CMA jumped at the chance to tackle the highly invasive weed and prevent further spread into the river system and nearby wetlands.”

The CMA initially mapped the Yellow Water Lily’s distribution and then engaged contractors to treat the weed by spraying the infestation in both spring and autumn over the following three years. Over 224 hectares of waterways were inspected and treated.

This will allow better access to the waterway for both the environment and community. Matt emphasised the weed is notoriously hard to control and keeping on top of it would be an ingoing process.

“The lily most likely escaped from plantings in private dams. While it’s a beautiful plant in domestic settings, it becomes dangerous when it enters public waterways – especially those so close to such a high value wetland as the Gippsland Lakes.”

This is a great example of working together to identify and tackle an emerging weed issue and this project will ensure rivers, creeks and wetlands are protected, preserved and enjoyed by families across Victoria.

This is one of three projects funded by the Victorian Government to enhance the recreational values of the State’s water resources and ensure our rivers, creeks and wetlands are protected, preserved and enjoyed by families across Victoria.

Before treatment
After treatment
Native Water Lily

Putting the Fish back in Fish Creek

Five years after embarking on an ambitious catchment-wide restoration plan, Fish Creek Landcare Group are reaping the rewards of their hard work. 

The Fish Creek Catchment Project began back in 2018 when local Landcare members felt that a more collaborative approach was needed to help improve the health of the entire catchment. An idea formed to develop a detailed plan that would give volunteers direction, focus and funding support for years to come. 

To bring this plan to life, Fish Creek Landcare Group sought support from South Gippsland Landcare Network who helped them run a series of community workshops to collect inspiration and ideas, and develop them into key elements, guiding principles and strategic steps. 

“This project brought so much enthusiasm to the table”, said Landcare member Joan Liley, who’s been living and farming in Fish Creek for over 50 years and has a background in natural resource management. “Even people who don’t own land have had the opportunity to give back to the environment in their own capacity.” 

Partnerships also played a key role. The group engaged with a range of stakeholders including Traditional Owners, West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, Greening Australia, South Gippsland Shire Council, local schools, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, South Gippsland Water, GippsDairy and the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources

Five years later this active, dynamic Landcare group are seeing the benefits of their long-term, big picture planning.

They’ve successfully applied for Victorian Landcare Grants three years running, which has enabled the restoration of nearly all the riparian zones along the northern catchment between Fish Creek township and South Gippsland Highway. Efforts will now shift to weeding, planting and fencing along the southern catchment from Fish Creek down to Buffalo-Waratah Road.  

Reflecting on the group’s achievements, Joan says the community collaboration has been amazing. “I’ve loved being a part of a project that the Fish Creek community are proud of”, she said. 

Joan’s advice for other Landcare groups: “Have a plan, know your funding sources and use your partnerships and knowledge of strategic documents to apply for funding year after year.” 

Discover more about Landcare in West Gippsland 

Giving Gippsland Lakes freshwater wetlands room to move

West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is working with private landholders and partners to enhance water quality and reconnect freshwater wetlands to give them room to move along rivers flowing into Gippsland Lakes.  

The project is now well underway and aims to improve the condition of priority fringing wetlands along the lower Carran Carran (Thomson), Wirn’Wurndook Yirrung (Macalister) and Durt’Yowan (Latrobe) river reaches. 

“Works are being undertaken at sites around Sale that flow into Lake Wellington and the greater Gippsland Lakes System. Each has been identified as a priority for waterbirds and frogs,” said Martin Fuller, CEO of West Gippsland CMA.  

“Planning for, protecting and increasing available freshwater habitat is essential for plants and wildlife to be able to move and seek refuge within the landscape.” 

“The project will include ecological surveys, restoring priority areas through controlling weeds, fencing to keep out stock and planting of indigenous species to ultimately reconnect wetlands and waterways and protect floodplains and enhance these high value wetlands.” 

“Preserving and improving these freshwater wetland sites upstream will help to build resilience to the pressures of climate change, rising sea levels and salinity in areas close to the Gippsland Lakes embayments and river estuaries.”

The sites along waterways that run into Lake Wellington and the Gippsland Lakes system, were chosen based on the Index of Wetland assessments and identifies areas that are priority wetland habitat that are providing refuge for wildlife. 

Two wetland sites have been chosen on the Carran Carran (Thomson River), where fencing and planting is helping to alleviate erosion pressures and stabilise banks. The team recently worked to relocate a fence by moving it back 700 metres to protect an existing 1.6 hectares of floodplain vegetation. 

The other two sites along Flooding and Lavers creeks contain important floodplain woodlands.  On one property, the team removed woody weeds such as Hawthorn from around a farm dam and repaired fences to keep out stock. Winter plantings of over 6,000 trees will reconnect the wetland with the creek.

The preservation and enhancement of freshwater wetlands is a high priority, particularly in response to climate change, rising sea levels and salinity in wetlands closer to the Gippsland Lakes.

This project is being delivered through by West Gippsland CMA as part of the Love Our Lakes program – part of a $248 million investment by the Victorian Government to improve the health of waterways and catchments. Of this, $7.5 million is being provided to improve the health of Gippsland Lakes over three years (2021-2024), through support to the Gippsland Lakes Coordinating Committee and for the delivery of on-ground works and community engagement. 

Find out more about the Love our Lakes program.

Kelsey Tong and Elsa Burnell from WGCMA
Woody reeds ready to be burned
Flooding Creek wetland revegetation
Flooding Creek wetland revegetation


Building flood resilience naturally

After the June 2021 floods subsided, property managers at Glenfalloch Station (near Licola) swung into action to repair the damage to the waterway with the help of West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority.

The team used their experience of previous floods to achieve the best results by working with natural materials and processes, focusing on long-term resilience and ‘allowing space for the river to move’.

Glenfalloch Station (Gunuaikurnai Country) is a major agricultural property located at the base of the Alpine National Park near Licola in West Gippsland.  It includes 23 kilometres of Wirn Wirndook Yeerung (Macalister) wild river frontage. 

The one-in-30-year-flood event of June 2021 dumped 250 millimetres of rain to the region in 24 hours, and saw the river rise to 4.2 metres in some parts. 

When the floodwaters subsided, Karen Tymms, Environment Manager at Glenfalloch Station and Elsa Burnell, Project Coordinator for West Gippsland CMA, got to work. The river is prone to flooding and the team has worked with the CMA on flood recovery works before to protect and maintain the health of the waterway. 

“When we first went up there after the 2021 floods, we were probably expecting more damage,” says Elsa.  

“But we noticed that works done after the 2007 flood had held up really well,” said Karen. 

They started by assessing the damage, then planning and undertaking recovery works. 

Once the wet weather eased and river levels were low enough, the team began their work stabilising the most severely eroded sections of riverbank. Up to 200 metres of raw, vertical bank was smoothed into a gentle slope using a technique known as ‘battering’. 

Logs and woody debris washed down by the floodwater were also salvaged from the paddocks and dug into the bank to help stabilisation. These natural materials provide ideal habitat for frogs and fish, further enhancing the health of the river. 

The most critical step in flood recovery, according to Elsa, was what came next.  

“All the works we do such as bank stabilisation, weed removal and fencing is preparation for putting plants in the ground – it’s the culmination of the project. Trees and shrubs provide the essential last step in flood recovery, acting like the reo in concrete to stabilise banks and to slow the water down in future flooding events. Almost 7,000 plants were planted across the flood affected sites”, said Elsa. 

After 18 months, the repaired sites were in a strong shape to withstand future floods, with the banks stable and revegetation growing strongly.  

Farming on the mighty Macalister

Karen says what’s interesting about major floods is seeing how the river moves, and where the tributaries flow afterwards.

“The Macalister is a dynamic river, so it has the tendency to move.”

Sometimes damaged fences need to be realigned rather than simply put back in the same place, which is what happened after the 2021 event.

“We did recalibrate one of the fences after seeing where the flood had gone,” said Karen.

A total of 3.2 kilometres of fencing was repaired or realigned as part of the June 2021 flood recovery works.

Building flood resilience

The waterway at this site was impacted further in October 2023 from another major flood event.

“Some of the woody debris we dug into the banks had shifted a bit but there was no major channel change, and the battered banks and young revegetation held up really well,” said Elsa.

She says that this focus on resilience and health of the river is testament to a sustainable, long-term approach to flood recovery championed by Karen and the Glenfalloch team.

“It’s great to work with property owners who understand the river as a dynamic system. These days we try to stay away from rock armouring every eroding bend. While still a valid approach, we often see that this just shuffles the problem down or up stream. Working with landholders who are keen to work with the river and implement nature-based solutions is just really awesome.”

Flood recovery works to repair damage to the existing waterway health works along the Macalister River at Glenfalloch were funded by the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). 

Festival fun for nature lovers

Tanjil Valley Landcare Group are onto a winning formula with their community and environment festival drawing a crowd for the second year running.

Over 500 locals and out-of-towners flocked to Blue Rock Lake in Willow Grove on Sunday 28 April to celebrate and explore nature with family and friends at the Tanjil Valley Community Festival.  

Landcare member Caroline Hammond says the aim of the event was to raise environmental awareness and give people a chance to connect with nature. 

“We were excited to see so many families visit the festival and make the most of the environmental activities and play during the day,” Caroline said.  

Over 30 stallholders including Bug Blitz, Aussie Wildlife Display, Wildlife Rescue and Protection and Kids Nature Play showcased displays and activities designed to engage children and adults alike. Highlights included an environmental treasure hunt, storytelling, tree planting and cubby-building using natural materials.  

Music performed by local musicians added to the atmosphere of the day, while volunteers from Willow Grove Lions Club, Willow Grove Primary School and the local kindergarten and playgroup provided catering and helped run activities such as face painting and art, all with an environmental focus.

Representatives from Gippsland Climate Change Network and were also on-hand to chat about sustainable living and renewable energy. 

“The festival was a wonderful display of community spirit and a fantastic opportunity to highlight the unique land, water, cultural and biodiversity assets of the area,” said Marnie Ellis, West Gippsland’s Regional Landcare Coordinator. 

“We congratulate the Tanjil Valley Landcare Group volunteers on their efforts supported through a Victorian Landcare Grant along with hard work and passion.” 

The 2024 festival was organised by the Tanjil Valley Landcare Group in partnership with the Hill End Community Incorporated and builds on the success of the inaugural event in 2023, which also attracted large numbers.  

Find out more about Landcare in your area across West Gippsland.

The project was funded by the Victorian State Government through the 2023 Victorian Landcare Grants.

Victoria’s CMA win prestigious National Banksia Award

Vic Catchments, the peak body for Victoria’s ten Catchment Management Authorities has won the Nature Positive category of the 35th National Banksia Sustainability Awards.

The Awards celebrate trailblazers in environmental and social sustainability, with winners across 14 categories spanning travel, agriculture, conservation and more announced at the gala event – all recognised as true champions of sustainability and social impact. 

Cath Jenkins, Chair of Vic Catchments, accepted the award at the gala event held in Melbourne. “Vic Catchments is thrilled and humbled to be winners of this highly competitive category and congratulate all the other finalists,” said Ms Jenkins on behalf of Victoria’s ten Catchment Management Authorities (CMA).  

“For over 25 years CMAs have been at the forefront of working with communities and partners to deliver incredible results for catchments across Victoria. It’s a delight that it’s been recognised by such a prestigious organisation.” 

“We are a relatively small, yet passionate team and deliver projects on behalf of the Australian and Victorian governments. Partnerships are one of our biggest strengths and we share this success with everyone – Traditional Owners, partner organisations, community and government.”

“We have achieved great outcomes for our natural environments, catchments, agricultural landscapes and communities in our 26 years, and we are only just getting started.” 

In 2023, across Victoria, CMAs:

  • Enhanced over 3,000 hectares of vegetation to create habitat for native species
  • Improved practices over 9,000 hectares of agricultural land.
  • Issued 13,000 approvals and advice for works on waterways.
  • Installed 368 kilometres of fencing to protect rivers and wetlands.
  • Undertook 47,032 hectares of weed control.

Read about more achievements in the 2023 Vic Catchments Achievements Brochure.

Connected rivers, connected people photo competition winners

The winners of the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority’s ‘Connected rivers, connected people’ Waterway’s photo competition have been awarded with a photo of Heart Morass in Sale taking out the main prize.  

“We would like to acknowledge the time that the community took to share their connection with Gippsland’s waterways through photos,” said CEO of West Gippsland CMA, Martin Fuller. 

“Images submitted confirmed the deep connection the community has to the special waterways around the region and there were also a few unexpected stories behind the images this year.” 

The photographs will form part of the West Gippsland CMA’s annual Seasonal Watering Proposal document to be submitted to the Victorian Environmental Water Holder. Once approved, the proposal is used to plan the year’s environmental water deliveries to promote and support healthy waterways and ecosystems along the: 

  • Durt’Yowan (Latrobe River) – including the Lower Latrobe Wetlands such as Dowd Morass, Heart Morass and Sale Common
  • Wirn wirndook Yeerung (Macalister River)
  • Carran Carran (Thomson River) – including Heyfield Wetlands.

“These environmental water deliveries play an essential support role in improving the health of rivers and wetlands in West Gippsland for us all to connect with and enjoy,” said Martin. 

Overall winner was Damien Kook for his photo of Heart Morass. “This photo was taken in the early morning from the edge of the water, just after the morning fog had cleared. I was drawn to the scene because of the incredible, still reflection in the water,” said Damien who also noted that he had never entered a photo competition before. 

Runner up was Ukraine born Iryna MacMillan for her photo ‘Reflections’ taken on the Durt’Yowan (Latrobe River). “Because we all live such hectic lifestyles, it’s good to stop and smell the flowers. Even when we are jogging or riding a bike, it’s important to take a break… stop and meditate about our life, or just simply enjoy the beautiful nature around us.  Many people in Ukraine would be so jealous to have what we have here in Gippsland. We have to look after our rivers and our environment and not pollute it or destroy it,” said Iryna. 

Two judge’s special mention prizes were awarded to Georgie Lambert for her photo of the Carran Carran (Thomson River) bridge and Emma O’Neill for her photo of the sunset over Lake Guthridge. 

“I love taking photos of waterways, like the Thomson, as I think they are pretty and support a variety of life around them, making for a nice photo. It also sounds kind of hippy, but I think water has such a great energy, and is literally the lifeblood of earth and brings people together,” said Georgie. 

“I enjoy a walk around this wetland whenever I have the opportunity to stay in Sale for work. I am always impressed by the beauty, peace and abundance of wildlife. It is such a special way to start the day connecting with nature and I always feel grounded and invigorated when I visit this magic place,” said Emma.

“Thanks to everyone who took part this year, it was wonderful to see how people responded to the theme and the important role waterways play in our lives and wellbeing,” Martin concluded. 

Connected rivers, connected people overall photo competition winner - Heart Morass Damien Kook
Overall winner – Heart Morass 📷 Damien Kook
Connected rivers, connected people photo competition Runner-up Reflections Thomson River Iryna MacMillan
Runner up – Reflections Thomson River 📷 Iryna MacMillan
Connected rivers, connected people photo competition Special mention Georgie Lambert Walhalla Road Bridge, Thomson River
Special mention – Walhalla Road Bridge, Thomson River 📷 Georgie Lambert
Connected rivers, connected people photo competition Special mention Sunset over Lake Guthridge Emma O'Neill
Special mention – Sunset of Lake Guthridge in Sale 📷 Emma O’Neill

Fresh faces for Community Engagement Network

Community representatives from across West Gippsland recently met to kick off the next three-year term of West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority’s (CMA) Community Engagement Network

“The Community Engagement Network or CEN is where we let community members know what work we are doing and priorities we have and they, on behalf of the broader community, can provide valuable feedback on that work and other areas of community interest,” said CEO of the West Gippsland CMA, Martin Fuller.  

Sixteen new and returning members representing a broad range of age, location and experience make up the network for 2024-2026. Marine science graduate Jessica Tong is one of them. 

“It is amazing to be a part of an enthusiastic community group with a broad range of ages and expertise,” said Jess. “I look forward to learning more about the West Gippsland CMA and contributing to the community voice for environmental preservation.” 

Returning member Dave Sutton was pleased to see a mix of equal gender representation across members. “It is wonderful to see some fresh faces to bring new ideas and perspectives to the group,” he said. 

The latest cohort officially began their term with an induction session at the CMA’s Traralgon office to get to know one another and the CMA team. Cultural competence training led by Mandy Leggett, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Officer for West Gippsland CMA, was also a feature of the day.  

Addition member forums throughout the year will provide an opportunity for the group to deep dive on topics of interest such as sustainable agriculture, citizen science, Landcare in West Gippsland and works on waterways.

Executive Manager – Catchment Planning and Delivery for West Gippsland CMA, Dan Garlick, sees the CEN as an important two-way information exchange between local communities and the CMA. 

“Over the years there has been incredible input from this group along with advocacy back to the community. As we move into the next round of project funding and delivery, we’ll continue having these localised conversations with CEN members to make sure we get the best outcomes for the environment and the community,” concluded Dan. 

The next meeting will be in July 2023.

2024 Victorian Landcare Grants Open for West Gippsland

The Victorian Government is helping volunteer groups and networks protect and restore our precious environment.

Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos today announced the opening of the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants, with $3.55 million available to support volunteers in caring for the state’s landscapes and biodiversity.

The grants are open to environmental volunteer groups and networks, including Landcare groups and networks, Friends groups, Conservation Management Networks, Committees of Management, Coastcare groups and Aboriginal groups.

Project grants of up to $20,000 are available for on-ground works and community education projects focused on enhancing the natural environment, including native vegetation and wildlife, waterways and soils.

Support Grants of up to $500 are available to assist with administrative and operational expenses of groups and networks.

The grants will help achieve targets set in Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s 20-year plan to protect our environment and native species.

“Landcare has a long and proud history in West Gippsland,” said CEO of West Gippsland CMA, Martin Fuller. 

“In 2023 West Gippsland Landcare groups received funding of $365,118 for 24 projects and 37 support grants for initiatives such as Protecting Wonyip’s wonderful wildlife and Tanjil Valley Landcare Group Community Festival,”

The continued dedication to the environment of West Gippsland’s Landcare groups is inspiring. I’m really looking forward to see what projects will come out of the 2024 grant process.”   

Applications for the Victorian Landcare Grants will close on 30 April 2024.

2023 Landcare Grant Recipients Stories …

Protecting Wonyip’s wonderful wildlife

Wonyip Landcare Group was awarded a 2023 Victorian Landcare Grant for their planting project at Dingo Creek, a tributary of the Agnes River high up in South Gippsland’s Strzelecki Ranges.   

The goal is to create a safe passage for native fauna to move through while also improving the overall health of the local ecosystem.

“We hope to attract a range of native species from insects, reptiles, small mammals, birds and even owls – the whole food chain.  We’ll also be planting mountain grey gums to attract Strzelecki koalas, which have been seen around here,” said group member Russell Botton. Funding assisted the purchase of 500 seedlings, grown at the Yarram Yarram Landcare nursery, for volunteers to plant along the creek

Tanjil Valley Landcare Group Community Festival

Tanjil Valley Landcare Group received a 2023 Victorian Landcare Grant to hold a community festival celebrating the environment. The Tanjil Valley Community Festival in April aims to raise environmental awareness of all visitors through a range of engaging displays and activities while strengthening community ties.

Group member John Crosby said: “We will have a mixture of environmental activities and displays with local community groups providing support with food, activities and music etc. The festival will feature interactive wildlife displays, renewable energy displays, tree planting, Nature Play activities and an environmental treasure hunt. This event will raise the profile of our group and of the environment.” 

Apply for a 2024 Victorian Landcare Grant