Irrigators with a bright idea are being asked to put their hands up for funds to put it to the test.
The Irrigation Demonstration Project is open to all irrigators in central Gippsland working in all fields of agriculture.
“This is an opportunity for those working in irrigated agriculture who have ever had an idea that might have improved efficiency to put that idea to the test and see if it works,” said Land Programs Coordinator with the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (WGCMA) Anthony Goode.
Funding is available for a range of activities ranging from paper-based planning through to the purchasing of equipment and monitoring and evaluation.
The project aims to see applications that may help achieve the goals of the broader Lake Wellington Land and Water Management Plan, which is working towards, reducing nutrient loads into the Gippsland Lakes, encourage regional economic growth and reduce greenhouse emissions from irrigate agriculture.
Irrigators have welcomed the initiative with Macalister Irrigation District farmer Liz Shotter farmer encouraging fellow irrigators to get involved.
“In this day and age, the most dangerous thing we can do is stay the same and not adapt. Projects such as this provides opportunity to think outside the square and trial projects on a smaller scale before replicating in a greater capacity.”
$54,000 is available in total which will be split into at least two projects.
Applications open on 21 February, 2022 and close on 18 March 2022.