New life for Noojee Reserve
In June 2021, widespread flooding heavily impacted Gippsland catchments including the famous town of Noojee located high in the headwaters of the Durt’Yowan (Latrobe River).
The river is a much loved feature running through the town, providing shade and recreation at many spots along its banks.
The Noojee Reserve is usually a tranquil spot with shelter, picnic tables, winding tracks and toilet facilities. In the June 2021 storm event, the public reserve was completely inundated as the river broke its banks and roared through the park taking out banks, trees and paths.
“This public space gets a large flow over it when the river is high,” said Dan Cook, Project Coordinator for West Gippsland CMA.
When the initial emergency was over and the area declared safe, the team at West Gippsland CMA moved in to assess the damage. Working in partnership with Baw Baw Shire Council, a large amount of debris covering the reserve was removed and the debris taken away.
“The park was inundated and the high flow had exposed part of the banks that we had repaired in an earlier event,” said Dan.
The fast moving event had moved large logs that had previously been installed to support the river bank causing it to slump and wash out.
The team used rock to repair and reinforce the banks. Local contractors worked under the guidance of the CMA to expertly stabilise the banks, armouring it to withstand future events.
“We put the rock in, shaped the bank back up and stabilised it – job done!” Dan said.
Now the reserve is open again, the river has slowed and locals and visitors are once again enjoying fishing, walking and picnicking at this tranquil spot in the heart of Noojee.