Opening of Bourne Creek estuary at Kilcunda
Published: 3 September 2024

Opening of Bourne Creek, estuary

West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) has approved an artificial opening of Bourne Creek estuary, Kilcunda to prevent potential flooding of the Bass Highway.

The estuary opening is scheduled for Tuesday 3 September 2024 and will be undertaken by Parks Victoria when it is safe to do so, under the guidance of West Gippsland CMA.

Bourne Creek estuary entrance closed naturally to the ocean last week after large swells deposited sand across the estuary entrance. Those same swells caused water levels in the creek to rise.

“It’s a careful balance. Estuary closures are natural events that provide many environmental benefits for birds, fish and the surrounding saltmarsh and wetlands. However, they also pose risks to surrounding assets by inundating farmland, cultural assets, roads and recreational infrastructure,” said West Gippsland CMA CEO Martin Fuller.

“Artificial openings are only used in conditions where it is unlikely that the estuary will naturally open to the ocean before flooding occurs, as is the current situation at Bourne Creek.”

“The CMA is responsible for monitoring the closure conditions, carrying out the risk assessment and making the decision to artificially open the estuary.

This decision has been informed through extensive monitoring, a thorough risk and feasibility assessment and in consultation with Parks Victoria and Department of Transport and Planning. The opening involves a small digger removing sand at the estuary opening at a carefully selected time to allow water to flow into the ocean. The CMA will continue to work with landholders and partners to enable the natural opening and closing of estuaries with minimal impact top roads and other important assets.

“Ultimately, we are committed to supporting the environmental benefits of natural water cycles and improving the condition of West Gippsland’s valuable river and estuaries in the long term,” said Mr Fuller.

Bourne Creek August 2024 – open
Bourne Creek September 2024 – closed