Our role in providing flood advice to keep communities safe
West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is responsible for over 40,000 kilometres of designated waterways across the region and delivers programs for healthy and resilient catchments.
Under Victoria’s Planning Schemes, the West Gippsland CMA is recommending referral authority not a determining referral authority. Local Government are responsible for issuing Planning Permits and generally support the advice proved by the West Gippsland CMA.
One of West Gippsland CMA’s important roles is to advise the community on Victorian Government’s State Planning Policy and to assist in decision making about flood risk and preparedness to keep Victorian communities safe.
West Gippsland CMA reviews planning applications and advises Councils or individuals of flood risk. This is based on best available modelling and directed by State policy.
Key points around the current situation at Loch Sport
- We acknowledge the current situation around planning approvals in Loch Sport is complex and also that any changes to policy can be unsettling.
- This is the beginning of the process towards updated Flood Overlays in the Wellington Planning Scheme. The process will include input from the community through an independent and transparent engagement process. This will ensure the Wellington Planning Scheme is updated, based on input from the community and with the best available flood mapping that aligns with State Government policy.
- West Gippsland CMA will continue to focus on our role in the process which is following State Government policy to provide flood risk advice without fear or favour.
- Our primary focus is to make sure homes and people are not exposed to hazardous flood conditions.
- We have formed a working group with Wellington Shire Council to guide the next steps to update the Wellington Planning Scheme with the best available flood mapping information.
- We’ll continue to work together to develop a coordinated and strategic approach to the risks associated with increased flooding due to climate change and in particular sea level rise by 2100.
Why is this happening?
- Local government are required to update their Planning Schemes to ensure they contain the best available flood hazard information.
- The West Gippsland Floodplain Management Strategy was released in 2017 and remains unchanged.
- What has changed is that Wellington Shire Council (November 2023) and the West Gippsland CMA (February 2024) have updated their policies in relation to the sea level rise benchmark to align with State Planning Policy. The sea level rise benchmark set by State Government determines the flood level used by the West Gippsland CMA when assessing planning permit applications.
- The change to State Planning Policy 13.01-2S came in September 2021 with Planning Scheme Amendment VC171 introduced into all Planning Schemes across Victoria. This required an 0.8 metre sea level rise be considered for planning decisions across Victorian coastal areas.
- Most local government areas across Victoria’s coast have implemented the change to State Planning Policy into their planning decisions.