Victoria’s CMAs awarded as finalists in National Banksia Awards
Vic Catchments, the peak body for Victoria’s ten Catchment Management Authorities has been announced as a finalist in the 35th National Banksia Sustainability Awards in the Nature Positive category.
Award finalists showcase new frontiers in sustainability. Revealing the short list, Banksia Foundation CEO Graz van Egmond praised finalists for their commitment to sustainability and social impact, and for the wide range of entries.
“Across the categories this year, we have seen an incredible diversity of entries and finalists, from sole traders to large enterprises, all thinking and working creatively and effectively to combat climate change and inequity.”
“At a time when innovative solutions are desperately needed to ensure a climate resilient world, it is a joy to be able to celebrate even more Australian organisations who are contributing to building a more sustainable and equitable future for all.” Ms van Egmond said.
Vic Catchment’s submission in the newly created ‘Nature Positive’ category tells the story of how Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) across the state have been “change makers” for waterways transforming landscapes, engaging communities and supporting Traditional Owner self determination as a priority.
“The Vic Catchments forum was established in February 2017 to showcase Victoria’s integrated catchment management framework,” said Cath Jenkins, Chair of Vic Catchments.
“Reflecting on the collective impacts over 25 years and also focusing on achievements from 2022-23, the submission demonstrates the many nature positive activities of CMAs across the state.”
“We were delighted to showcase the breadth of work only made possible through strong partnerships. We can’t do it alone, so this exciting announcement is for everyone we are lucky to work with in caring for Victoria’s catchments.”
CMAs are responsible for the integrated planning and coordination of land, water and biodiversity management in each catchment and land protection region. Each CMA is structured to maximise community involvement in decision making.
The statewide achievements are documented each year in the Statewide Achievements Brochure.
Winners will be announced at an awards presentation on 4 April 2024, at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.