We’ve been working across landscapes for decades…
You can look back on some of our previous projects to discover more about our achievements to date.
Corner Inlet
Corner Inlet is one of the most unique natural wonderlands in Australia supporting outstanding environmental values. It is listed as a wetland of international significance under the Ramsar Convention.
Corner Inlet is home to the amazing marine and coastal parks of Corner Inlet and Nooramunga, as well as the unique intertidal mudflats and barrier islands west of 90 Mile Beach.
Heart Morass
Heart Morass is a large wetland wedged between two Ramsar sites, at the confluence of the Thomson and Latrobe rivers near Sale.
The wetland area was previously used for heavy grazing and it suffered from acid sulphate soils and salinity.
The Alpine Peatlands project aims to improve the health of the ecological community found in the Alpine region including Baw Baw National Park and Mount Howitt to Mount Wellington.
Alpine peatlands only occur in small pockets across Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. The Australian Government funded this project from 2013 to 2018 (National Landcare Program).

See a snapshot of the achievements of the Alpine Peatlands project in the National Landcare Program Five Year Overview 2013-2018 brochure.
The Thomson River Fishway project helped improve the health of an entire river system and protect the future of a vulnerable species of fish.
Works began on the fishway in February 2019 and have now been completed. The walking track and access to the tunnel was opened to the public on Saturday 31 August.
The Thomson River is one of the region’s most significant and ecologically important rivers, and the creation of a fishway to allow passage between the Gippsland Lakes to the Victorian alpine region is a state priority.
The new fishway will unlock vast reaches of the upper Thomson and Aberfeldy rivers to endangered native fish for the first time in a century.
Extensive consultation has been carried out to ensure the fishway balances the significant heritage and cultural values of the site with the environmental improvement objectives.
Just outside of Toora is Silcocks Hill this was once a piece of degraded farm land. Runoff from this land was affecting waterways flowing into Corner Inlet.
We worked with the landholders to reduce nutrient loads entering the Ramsar listed Corner Inlet marine and coastal park.
Since 2012, over 20,000 native trees have been planted in the steep gullies, on 15 hectares of land to protect Corner Inlet.

The Gippsland Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Associated Native Grassland is a nationally-listed critically endangered ecological community.
This project focused on the Red Gum Grassy Woodlands in the Briagolong/Stratford areas. This area has been identified as having 40% of the remaining Red Gum Grassy Woodlands remnants for our entire region. This project was funded by the Australian Government from 2013-2018 (National Landcare Program) The Red Gum Grassy Woodlands are important because of their unique biodiversity and they have a distinctive place within the Australian landscape.

See a snapshot of the achievements of the Red Gum Grassy Woodlands project in the National Landcare Program Five Year Overview 2013 – 2018.
The last major flood in our region was in June 2012.
The area was subjected to solid rainfall over a 48 hour period, with many areas receiving totals between 100-200mm. Major flooding occurred in the Thomson, Latrobe, Upper Macalister and Lower Avon river systems and in areas of South Gippsland.
Over a period of 18 months, we managed a program of on ground works that assisted agencies, community groups and landholders to undertake flood repair work and environmental and waterway restoration projects in flood affected areas.
Works at all sites were supported by a revegetation program which will assist the stability and other outcomes for long term environmental benefits.

Meet the farmer who is looking after Corner Inlet
For Toora Dairy Farmer, Dan Knee, good environmental management is in his blood. Dan has recently taken over the family property full time from his parents, who were environmental pioneers in the area. His parents began planting trees with Landcare twenty years ago and have excluded stock and planted out nearly the entire 7km of Franklin river frontage on the property.
But Dan has not rested on their laurels and together with his wife Cindy, has begun to expand and improve on the productivity and sustainability on their current 375 milking cows on 280 hectares. Their farm is situated in the hilly upper reaches of the Corner Inlet Catchment. Corner Inlet is one of the most unique natural ecosystems in Australia and a wetland of international significance under the Ramsar Convention.
Currently however, the health of Corner Inlet ecosystem is threatened by increased sediment and nutrients levels likely from onshore activities such as farming, forestry and urban development. Seagrass, an important habitat for fish, is declining likely due to nutrient and sediment runoff.
Over the past twenty years, both generations of the Knees have undertaken a massive amount of work to keep nutrients and sediment (whether it be in the form of fertiliser, soil or effluent) on-farm and out of Corner Inlet.
Stock has been excluded from waterways, drainage lines and gullies. Extensive willow removal has been completed and a steady program of replacement plantings using thousands of indigenous plants has been accomplished. Nearly all of the 7km of Franklin River frontage has been fenced from stock and planted out, often with the assistance of Landcare or the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority. Other environmental friendly actions have included reticulating water throughout the farm, siting laneways to avoid run-off, maximizing ground cover to reduce soil loss and following best management practices when applying fertiliser.
Today, Dan and Cindy are stepping up the pace and implementing more actions that will improve the health of the waterways and Corner Inlet. They are GippsDairy Focus Farmers and through this program have had the opportunity to open their business up to scrutiny and input from other dairy farmers and leading consultants in the area. Dan and Cindy are planning to develop their new properties, with tracks and pasture improvement.
Dan and Cindy are inspiring examples of young, sustainable farmers, protecting Corner Inlet through best practice grazing, nutrient, effluent and water management on their property. Dan was one of five young Landcarer recipients showcased as part of the 2015 Landcare in West Gippsland Green Carpet event.
To find out more about how you can undertake your own works on your property visit our Landcare page.