Protecting our Ponds

Partnering to Protect our Ponds…

The Ponds program will continue the work being undertaken in the Providence Ponds and Perry River Catchment in line with the Strategic Directions Statement developed in 2017.

The work undertaken as part of previous funding rounds has been successful in engaging a range of stakeholders including the local community, HVPTrust for Nature, Landcare, Wellington Shire Council and Traditional Owners – Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC).

It is important to continue this momentum and deliver several innovative, priority actions.

A key achievement of the previous iteration of this program is the production of a 20-year Conservation Strategy, which includes the creation of buffers along streams identified as sensitive withing the HVP Plantations Stockdale estate.

As one of the largest landholders in the catchment, the commitment of HVP to protect the Ponds, within their managed estate is a major opportunity to make a significant change in the Providence Ponds and Perry River Catchment.

Over the next five years the program will:

  • Commence implementing priority actions identified in the HVP Stockdale Estate 20 Year Conservation Strategy to create riparian buffers and increase native vegetation extent within the HVP managed estate
  • Enhance habitat connectivity to increase the resilience of native vegetation to climate change
  • Seek opportunities to permanently protect native vegetation through Trust for Nature covenanting process
  • Continue to keep the local community engaged and updated as works progress and opportunities for involvement are identified.