Community gathers to celebrate wetlands
It was a full house at Nakunbalook Environmental and Cultural Education Centre last Friday to celebrate World Wetlands Day with the community.
We heard from partners working to protect the world renowned Gippsland Lakes Ramsar wetlands and took a stroll to check out the birds, frogs and Flying Foxes.
Dr Adrian Clements from West Gippsland CMA kicked off the evening sharing the history and current management of the Lower Latrobe wetlands including the role of delivering environmental water into the system.
Kim Allan and Kerry Spencer from East Gippsland CMA talked about the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site. Jack Winterbottom from BirdLife East Gippsland inspired everyone about the incredible array and lives of wetland birds both resident and migratory and also gave an update on White-bellied Sea Eagles. Sharon Ray provided fun for kids and a walk to the Flying Fox colony.
World Wetlands Day, is celebrated annually on 2 February, and aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands.
We’ll keep working together to protect wetlands every day of the year. Find out more and keep up to date on the wetland projects we have on the go.
Thanks to event partners: